online LUNCHTIME FLOW All Levels (EN) @ The Vinyasa People Yoga Studio
online LUNCHTIME FLOW All Levels (EN) @ The Vinyasa People Yoga Studio

online LUNCHTIME FLOW All Levels (EN)


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online LUNCHTIME FLOW All Levels (EN) @ The Vinyasa People Yoga Studio
online LUNCHTIME FLOW All Levels (EN) @ The Vinyasa People Yoga Studio

Join online via Zoom.

These 60 minutes Vinyasa Yoga classes give you a chance to reset in the middle of your day without making it a super sweaty flow class. Take a healthy break from your work day to move your body and breeeeathe, so you can return to your day chilled and ready to roll!


Freitag, 19. April 2024


12:00 - 13:00

(60 min)



Online Stream

Diese Aktivität wird im Online Stream übertragen. Um teilzunehmen, folge diesen Schritten:

  • Dieses Studio benutzt Zoom als Streaming Anbieter. Lade dir die entsprechende App auf deinen Laptop, Tablet oder Smartphone herunter

  • Zugang zum Online Stream ist ab 15 Minuten vor Beginn der Aktivität verfügbar. Geh auf "Meine Buchungen" und klicke "Jetzt zur Online-Übertragung" um zum Stream weitergeleitet zu werden

  • Bei einigen Streaming Anbietern (z.B. Zoom) ist es möglich, dass sich Teilnehmer:innen gegenseitig sehen können. Es ist aber auch möglich die Kamerafunktion zu deaktivieren. Dein eingegebener Name kann während des Meetings angezeigt werden, du kannst aber auch nur deine Initialen angeben. Bitte beachte, dass je nach Studio oder Anbieter individuelle Regeln für die Online Teilnahme gelten können.





Mie has studied and practiced yoga with various teachers and practiced different styles, while growing up in Japan, and living and working in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, the United States, England and Germany. Mie teaches Vinyasa Flow, a flowing, dynamic form of yoga. In her class she strives to encourage practitioners to explore and experience a special combination of asanas (postures), choreography, pranayama (breathing techniques), sound and philosophy in a safe, non-competitive environment. For Mie, yoga practice on the mat is a sacred space where she can shed my shielding exterior and connect to herself in a deep, authentic hearing way, in the here and now. She feels passionate about sharing this joy of practicing yoga, this sacred, peaceful and soul space with everyone. She strongly feels that yoga practice is for everyone, regardless of age, physical conditions, social-economic status. She does her very best to make the sequence accessible to practitioners of all levels, where we can be equally comfortable and challenged in our own boundaries.


She is a 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher by Yoga Alliance as she completed her 300 hours advanced yoga teacher training with Jason Crandell. She is also a 200- hour Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT), which acknowledges the experience of over 1000 hours of actual teaching. She continues to deepen her yoga with various teachers and styles. She is also a proud mother of two active boys, passionate cook, globetrotter, loving Africa, environmental activist and wildlife conservationist, holding a Master of Science in Development Management from American University (Washington DC) and having worked for many years with Dr Jane Goodall. More info:


8,00 €

Drop In / Einzelsession LIVESTREAM

30,00 €


950,00 €

One Year Unlimited

45,00 € / month

The MINI Limited


60,00 € / month

LIVESTREAM 1 Month Membership


80,00 € / month

The MAXI Limited


95,00 € / month

The All-In Membership





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If you have to cancel your online registration, you can do so at least 3 hours before the start of the online class, at a later time the unit is calculated. The terms and conditions of The Vinyasa People Yoga Studio apply.

online LUNCHTIME FLOW All Levels (EN)


Freitag, 19. April 2024


12:00 - 13:00

(60 min)